Mawayia, Uparhar, Behind Omaxe Ananda, Naini, Prayagraj

Absence From School

Absence Rules student must leave the premises without the permission of the Principal. No half day leave permitted. Parent/Ward may seek doctor's appointment or any other, beyond school timings, except in an emergency.

The following absences are excused :

  • Illness of student.
  • Participating in an event – curricular/extra-curricular (preapproved).
  • Death in the immediate family (parent, siblings, grandfather


  • Absences : for vacations, family emergencies, traffic problems, and car trouble are unexcused.

  • Anticipated Absences : Students who anticipate being absent should bring a note to their supervisor at least hours prior to the absence, e.g., religious observances, school activities.

  • Early Departure : students who feel ill during the day must report to the librarian in order to be excused for early departure. Students will call the parent and a gate pass will be issued for dismissal. In return, the librarian will enter the excuse into the computer. In case of emergency in the family, the same procedure should be followed.

  • Excuse Note : A note from a parent or guardian in the handbook is required for any absence of five or more days due to illness. The physician's note must be presented to the principal, through the front office which will then be recorded and sent to the class teacher.

  • Late Arrival : Students arriving late will be given a late remark.

  • Updating the missed school work : Upon returning from an absence, students have the responsibility to make up the work missed during the period of absence by finding out what work they missed and to make arrangements for completion of the same.